android-security-13.0.0_r4 to android-security-13.0.0_r5 AOSP changelog

This only includes the Android Open Source Project changes and does not include any changes in any proprietary components included by Google or any hardware manufacturer. The raw log was generated using a modified version of this script written by JBQ and improved by Al Sutton.

Please do not copy this without attribution to this site and JBQ for the original script.

+- Project: platform/build

cad5692c4b : Version bump to TSV1.220628.035 [core/]
8e1d83b454 : Version bump to TSV1.220628.034 [core/]

+- Project: platform/frameworks/base

a8cd2d573337 : Limit the number of shortcuts per app that can be retained by system
e0de4236a68c : Trim strings added to persistent snoozed notification storage.
8542596db53b : DO NOT MERGE Isolated processes must fail registering BRs.
d697852919ee : enforce stricter rules when registering phoneAccounts
a843957e3415 : Re-enforce MANAGE_ACTIVITY_TASKS for applySyncTransaction
2c1f16db8936 : Checks if AccessibilityServiceInfo is within parcelable size.
eecb1f05c7af : [RESTRICT AUTOMERGE][pm] still allow debuggable for system app downgrades
08e20afd61c8 : [RESTRICT AUTOMERGE][pm] prevent system app downgrades of versions lower than preload

+- Project: platform/frameworks/native

21e0d9bfb8 : Add removeInstanceForPackageMethod to SensorManager
74b71c0674 : Remove some new memory leaks from SensorManager
481ec5ccde : Check for malformed Sensor Flattenable

+- Project: platform/hardware/nxp/nfc

a20d596 : OOBR in AnalyzeMfcResp in

+- Project: platform/packages/apps/Settings

179e5ce2a52 : [DO NOT MERGE] Enforce INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS_FULL permission for NotificationAccessDetails

+- Project: platform/packages/services/Telecomm

77e56baaa : enforce stricter rules when registering phoneAccounts