android-security-13.0.0_r20 to android-security-13.0.0_r21 AOSP changelog

This only includes the Android Open Source Project changes and does not include any changes in any proprietary components included by Google or any hardware manufacturer. The raw log was generated using a modified version of this script written by JBQ and improved by Al Sutton.

Please do not copy this without attribution to this site and JBQ for the original script.

+- Project: platform/build

4fa15848eb : Version bump to TSV1.220628.065 [core/]

+- Project: platform/frameworks/av

9c087eac3e : omx: check HDR10+ info param size

+- Project: platform/frameworks/base

17aa5aaa5f9c : RESTRICT AUTOMERGE Delete keystore keys from RecoveryService.rebootRecoveryWithCommand()
32ba2ef377de : DO NOT MERGE Ignore - Sanitized uri scheme by removing scheme delimiter

+- Project: platform/packages/apps/Settings

7c9a51580aa : Replace getCallingActivity() with getLaunchedFromPackage()
787f1f5c2e1 : RESTRICT AUTOMERGE Restrict Settings Homepage prior to provisioning
834bc384270 : Ignore fragment attr from ext authenticator resource
ec74247a056 : Limit wifi item edit content's max length to 500

+- Project: platform/packages/modules/Bluetooth

1ef66c4cc2 : Disallow connect with key length downgrade
bfc38f93db : Disallow connect with Secure Connections downgrade
8c36bb8ecd : Add support for checking security downgrade

+- Project: platform/packages/modules/Permission

16ef928c5 : RESTRICT AUTOMERGE Fix to restrict admin from granting permission to a sensor permission group

+- Project: platform/packages/services/Telecomm

01b95a0e8 : Resolve cross-user image exploit for conference status hints
32ca481ed : Unbind CallScreeningService when timeout reached.
d31f8c590 : DO NOT MERGE Unbind CS if connection is not created within 15 seconds.

+- Project: platform/system/sepolicy

c655e9cfd : Allow system_server to call IKeystoreMaintenance.deleteAllKeys()