android-security-11.0.0_r65 to android-security-11.0.0_r66 AOSP changelog

This only includes the Android Open Source Project changes and does not include any changes in any proprietary components included by Google or any hardware manufacturer. The raw log was generated using a modified version of this script written by JBQ and improved by Al Sutton.

Please do not copy this without attribution to this site and JBQ for the original script.

+- Project: platform/build

2bd940db24 : Version bump to RSV1.210329.087 [core/]
02b63ed438 : Version bump to RSV1.210329.086 [core/]
9b9a2bdeb4 : Version bump to RSV1.210329.085 [core/]

+- Project: platform/frameworks/base

afe427ae74a0 : Revert "Make Activites touch opaque - DO NOT MERGE"
138444be4f0b : [RESTRICT AUTOMERGE] Fix bypass BG-FGS and BAL via package manager APIs
f36870d8c7f1 : Add a limit on channel group creation
20fc1c7244cd : [RESTRICT AUTOMERGE] Strip part of the activity info of another uid if no privilege
8b2e2fdf4fd5 : [DO NOT MERGE] Backport BAL restrictions from S to R, this blocks apps from using Alarm Manager to bypass BAL restrictions.
15f9c1b0208f : Encode Intent scheme when serializing to URI string RESTRICT AUTOMERGE
390573bd85a2 : Fix checkKeyIntentParceledCorrectly's bypass
da48d572bbd2 : Checking if package belongs to UID before registering broadcast receiver
1861b25a2481 : Revert "[RESTRICT AUTOMERGE] Trim the activity info of another uid if no privilege"
874fde41d6d7 : DO NOT MERGE: Context#startInstrumentation could be started from SHELL only now.
ae40454bc758 : [RESTRICT AUTOMERGE] Trim the activity info of another uid if no privilege

+- Project: platform/frameworks/native

d686fc84da : Mitigate the security vulnerability by sanitizing the transaction flags.

+- Project: platform/frameworks/opt/net/wifi

13b569eef : Revert "Revert "[DO NOT MERGE] wifi: remove certificates for network factory reset""

+- Project: platform/hardware/nxp/nfc

9848b80 : OOBR in NxpMfcReader::SendIncDecRestoreCmdPart2
457ada3 : Revert "OOBR in NxpMfcReader::SendIncDecRestoreCmdPart2"
72cebdb : OOBR in NxpMfcReader::SendIncDecRestoreCmdPart2

+- Project: platform/packages/apps/Settings

edbb4977174 : Only primary user is allowed to control secure nfc

+- Project: platform/packages/providers/MediaProvider

797621ad9 : Canonicalise path before extracting relative path

+- Project: platform/packages/services/Telecomm

3f2d4360f : DO NOT MERGE do not process content uri in call Intents
60f4ee794 : Ensure service unbind when receiving a null call screening service in onBind.

+- Project: platform/system/nfc

fccb26c1 : OOBW in nci_snd_set_routing_cmd()