android-security-11.0.0_r57 to android-security-11.0.0_r58 AOSP changelog

This only includes the Android Open Source Project changes and does not include any changes in any proprietary components included by Google or any hardware manufacturer. The raw log was generated using a modified version of this script written by JBQ and improved by Al Sutton.

Please do not copy this without attribution to this site and JBQ for the original script.

+- Project: platform/build

93b2d3cc25 : Version bump to RSV1.210329.052 [core/]
2dd5518484 : Version bump to RSV1.210329.051 [core/]
685245cde3 : Version bump to RSV1.210329.050 [core/]

+- Project: platform/frameworks/av

191142172d : Avoid read out of bounds

+- Project: platform/frameworks/base

7bfdb190aaa8 : Only allow the system server to connect to sync adapters
7a277c06d21a : Stop using invalid URL to prevent unexpected crash
e802df1e65bf : [RESTRICT AUTOMERGE]Prevent set intent on non-leaf tasks
2680be824241 : Remove package title from notification access confirmation intent
bbc65ba84d2e : Clear mInterface before calling resetIkeState()
4d9c54703ea9 : Make sure callingPackage belongs to callingUid when checking BG-FGS restrictions.
a22128257af2 : DO NOT MERGE Suppress notifications when device enter lockdown
40b2e821bdd6 : [RESTRICT AUTOMERGE]Only allow system and same app to apply relinquishTaskIdentity

+- Project: platform/frameworks/native

4415ef3170 : RESTRICT AUTOMERGE SurfaceFlinger: fix a potential race condition in stealReceiveChannel

+- Project: platform/packages/apps/Settings

b8eb4989e36 : Extract app label from component name in notification access confirmation UI
afbe990166d : [DO NOT MERGE] Fix can't change notification sound for work profile.
587bcc83a15 : [DO NOT MERGE] Fix Settings crash when setting a null ringtone
d55b61beaf4 : RESTRICT AUTOMERGE Fix: policy enforcement for location wifi scanning
5f2a8c5863c : Do not let guest user disable secuer nfc via SettingsSlice
e86e75205ab : RESTRICT AUTOMERGE Make bluetooth not discoverable via SliceDeepLinkTrampoline
b8584decf34 : [DO NOT MERGE] Verify ringtone from ringtone picker is audio

+- Project: platform/packages/providers/ContactsProvider

a54f2f6b : enforce stricter CallLogProvider query

+- Project: platform/packages/services/Car

dec5a35662 : Extract app label from component name in notification access confirmation UI