android-14.0.0_r38 to android-14.0.0_r41 AOSP changelog

This only includes the Android Open Source Project changes and does not include any changes in any proprietary components included by Google or any hardware manufacturer. The raw log was generated using a modified version of this script written by JBQ and improved by Al Sutton.

Please do not copy this without attribution to this site and JBQ for the original script.

+- Project: platform/build

133265ff88 : Version bump to UD2A.240505.001 [core/]
3f0d3a4cee : RESTRICT AUTOMERGE Update Security String to 2024-05-05
5f85ea3a71 : Version bump to UD2A.231203.054.S3 [core/]
a82882fbcf : RESTRICT AUTOMERGE Update Security String to 2024-04-05
fd48fdaa3d : Version bump to UD2A.231203.054.S1 [core/]

+- Project: platform/external/perfetto

7cf126dbb1 : traced: make CloneReadOnly() copy only used portion of the buffer

+- Project: platform/external/skia

fbe0c60533 : RESTRICT AUTOMERGE Fix colorspace transform with multitexture color text.

+- Project: platform/external/sonivox

27f5b6f : fix buffer overrun in eas_wtengine

+- Project: platform/frameworks/base

c2ebb62a3583 : Verify URI permission for channel sound update from NotificationListenerService
bc81e6a2b817 : Prioritize system toasts
eb6df4b2c7fc : Stop marking apps as privileged if they are not signed properly.
629d3d67d401 : Do not unregister keyguardupdatemonitor
b98d286a66d3 : [Mobile] Use CellSignalStrength.getNumSignalStrengthLevels
12b039b2dd84 : Honor retry timer from setup data call response for emergency request
31fae3fa0ae0 : Fix security vulnerability that creates user with no restrictions when accountOptions are too long.
6b9180a8f027 : RESTRICT AUTOMERGE Added limitations for attributions to handle invalid cases
f19443c1419a : Don't store invalid pkgs when migrating filters
d623e4782b5a : Prevent Sysui crash when user is deleted.

+- Project: platform/frameworks/opt/telephony

eaf45f0557 : [DO NOT MERGE] Support TUW_DRAG on PCI change for NR NSA
577eda9b9e : Honor retry timer from setup data call response for emergency request

+- Project: platform/packages/apps/Launcher3

095dcd1f39 : [DO NOT MERGE] Enable omnient flags in P8a branch.

+- Project: platform/packages/apps/Settings

fc86026c8ce : Replace getCallingActivity() with getLaunchedFromPackage()
270e5835c9c : [RESTRICT AUTOMERGE] Restrict WifiDialogActivity

+- Project: platform/packages/modules/HealthFitness

0c6ed21b : Throw exception when trying to instantiate a change log token with no record types.