android-12.1.0_r9 to android-12.1.0_r10 AOSP changelog

This only includes the Android Open Source Project changes and does not include any changes in any proprietary components included by Google or any hardware manufacturer. The raw log was generated using a modified version of this script written by JBQ and improved by Al Sutton.

Please do not copy this without attribution to this site and JBQ for the original script.

+- Project: platform/build

71339f461e : Version bump to SQ3A.220705.003 [core/]
453b3a97c8 : Version bump to SQ3A.220705.002 [core/]

+- Project: device/google/raviole

aee029c4 : [DO NOT MERGE] Update oriole SVN to 30
8e68419a : [DO NOT MERGE] Update raven SVN to 30
d3c72870 : Update oriole SVN to 29
f06ff950 : Update raven SVN to 29

+- Project: platform/frameworks/base

228f5ee6525a : Revert "[DO NOT MERGE] Do not clear calling identify when using BiometricPrompt from FingerprintService."
e1e5f4a46740 : DO NOT MERGE: Revert "RESTRICT AUTOMERGE: Polish IME transition from fullscree..."
0d3a05af3303 : Revert "DO NOT MERGE Suppress notifications when device enter lockdown"