android-11.0.0_r4 to android-11.0.0_r25 AOSP changelog

This only includes the Android Open Source Project changes and does not include any changes in any proprietary components included by Google or any hardware manufacturer. The raw log was generated using a modified version of this script written by JBQ and improved by Al Sutton.

Please do not copy this without attribution to this site and JBQ for the original script.

+- Project: platform/build

f3c1d4d1c8 : Revert "Revert "product: Remove wifi-service off SystemServerCla..."

+- Project: platform/external/iptables

ca3325e4 : ANDROID: do not leak memory in iptables-restore

+- Project: platform/frameworks/av

e465c6b2e7 : Camera: Fix request metadata override for repeating request

+- Project: platform/frameworks/base

ef56e21b1082 : Update INTERNET perm state cache to use uids instead of appIds.
639fe4c90e93 : RESTRICT AUTOMERGE Make task visible if activity launched behind
652f2f0fa197 : Cancel pending timeouts when media data is removed
7e93f15670c8 : Update listener instead of creating a new one
2788239dd69c : Add screenshot back to power menu for some devices
90ac770ae9be : Add telecom to priorityOnlyDndExemptPackages
6b12ae0ec8ca : Update requested state after applying pending frames
593e53f9814f : [RESTRICT AUTOMERGE] Update the visibility of activities on sleeping display
5a171406df5c : Add guts to media player on long press
bb980bb03a12 : Revert "Revert "SystemServer: Dynamically load wifi-service"
6ef16e3840bf : Allow empty tokens in strict grammar
4290693f5d7a : Don't update height if recycler view was scrolled
56a33b5af9a1 : Add bottom offset to the intial padding rather than accumulating it.
4ce02f599682 : Force enable vertical scrolling on profile tab change

+- Project: platform/frameworks/native

7b6a56ef2a : DO NOT MERGE: fillInputInfo: Guard against integer overflow.

+- Project: platform/hardware/qcom/audio

9986196 : hal: remove out_standby_l when usb headset is unplugged during playback of compress-offload

+- Project: platform/packages/providers/MediaProvider

281ded05c : Support Playlist#Members uri in LegacMediaProvider

+- Project: platform/packages/services/Telecomm

a872de59c : Require MODIFY_PHONE_STATE for preferred TTY mode

+- Project: platform/packages/services/Telephony

61aaf28dd : Remove protected broadcast from preferred tty mode